Junior showmanship is a branch of the dog fancy for youngsters in which the
handler is judged instead of the dog. Therefore in the Juniors ring you see all breeds of dogs being shown together.
AKC sponsors the program believing the future of the sport lies with the young adults participating.
Junior show
has its own rules by which the young participants compete, separated by age and experience. Points are awarded and the Junior
moves through the ranks by accumulating these points. Discipline, responsibility, showmanship and good sportsmanship
are principle lessons emphasized in the program.
Life lessons learned by the Junior Show participants
are invaluable. Many young people who started their careers in juniors are now professional handlers, enthusiastic breeders
and exhibitors, and yes, even judges, and above all better people for having participated.
Katie Hendrix has one First Place win in Novice Junior and has shown Athena twice
in groups. Katie is involved in 4H at the Dog Training Club of St Petersburg and is working on obedience training with her
Jack Russell Terrier, Casey.
The season of Junior Showmanship for the girls has come to
an end for this year. They have grown and are developing into fine handlers. Cierra had tough competion all season but has
made some terrific new friends. She took Lyla to the breed ring and won BOS both days in North Conway. Danielle has earned
ribbons and took Bits to Winners Bitch on Saturday. Bit's first point, way to go Dannie. Finally, Kristen took Boo to Juniors
on Sunday and won her third point to move to Open Intermediate class. See you all next year!!
This spring has been very busy in the world of "Juniors".
Danielle Watson joined the group and has won her first point showing Arimich Jazmine Von Links. She and Kristen Lyle are in
the same class which makes for tough competition. Cierra Calnan won her third point and advanced to the Open Intermediate
class. They will be training with dogs over the summer and be ready for competition in Conway, NH this fall.
Cierra Calnan (left) showing Nadia and
Kristen Lyle (below) showing Quinny were new to the world of handling. Both won their first Junior Show point in
different classes after only one previous competition.
Cierra and Kristen competed in the novice
intermediate class on September 8 &9,2007 at the Carroll County Kennel Club Show, North Conway, NH. On Saturday, Cierra
took first place and Kristen took second place. Downpours on Sunday made for difficult showing and Kristen placed second with
Cierra placing fourth. They were troupers as well as Lyla and Bits with the rain.
Judges usually will go the extra
mile for junior handlers, realizing the future lies with them. This picture demonstrates the point, when breeder judge
Ken Levison stacked the misbehaving "Buca" for Junior Handler Myra Giorgi so she could get this memorable moment
on film at the Florida East Coast Dachshund Club specialty show in April, 2005.